Hello! Happy New Year! Was a pretty quiet one this year, wasn't it? Or so it seems from most people I've spoken to. Nobody can be bothered anymore!
I've been reading the Watchmen graphic novel, in preparation for the Watchmen movie Zack Snyder (300) is doing for this year, and I gotta say... It's freaking awesome. Definitely lives up to the hype that it's received over the years - I can't believe it's taken me until now to read it!!
Anyway, I've been really thinking about the character Rorschach, and how much I really like the design of him, so, naturally... I thought I'd try my hand at drawing him.
Hopefully I won't get fired for doing this at work :P

Let me know what you think!
Chris x
1 comment:
The film looks pretty cool tome too, I think I saw the trailer when I saw Iron Man in the cinema, that pic's pretty gangster too! Maybe I'll make one of these blog whatchacallits, but I don't have anything interesting to say xD
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