Friday, 2 October 2009


So guys, I know this sucks but... Does anyone who reads this need a commission? I hate asking that. I'm just having a rough time (aren't we all?) at the moment, and truthfully - I'd love to do some work for someone. I can do cards, books, paintings, designs, illustrations.. If you have a little look around on here or at my DeviantArt page, hell, even my old DevArt you can see the sort of stuff I do. If you've got any friends or whatever who you think might be into any of it, please, hook me up! I'm not some 'big artiste' who's gonna charge a bomb, timesheets and all. Any cost would be carefully calculated!
So, there's my little pledge to you lovely people.
Either comment on here, DeviantArt or hit me up at chrisstringer[dot]des[at]googlemail[dot]com

Peace. X

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